آخرین مطالب آرشيو وبلاگ
نويسندگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی ELC English Learning Club
What goes up, but never comes down?
Age ![]() What walks that cannot be seen? Wind ![]() What animal carries his house wherever he goes? Turtle ![]() 4 / 7برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
STEALING IS BADOne day, Rosy went to a grocery shop to buy bread. When she saw that the shopkeeper was busy with the other customers, she stole some toffees from a jar.
When she got back home, her mother asked her that where did she get the toffees? Rosy told her mother the truth. Her mother said, It's really very bad to steal. The shopkeeper might not be looking at you but the God is always looking at you all the time. So, one should never steal. Rosy understood the words of her mother and went back to the shop to return the toffees to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper felt happy on seeing her honesty and gave her some toffees as a reward 4 / 7برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
21 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Q: What do you call a dinosaur wearing a blindfold? A: Do-you-think-he-saw-us
Do you understand the joke? if not read here Lots of dinosaur names end in 'saurus,' which sounds the same as 'saw us' in English
21 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
دانلود دفترچه عمومی سئوالات گروه زبان انگلیسی
دانلود دفترچه سئوالات آزمون اختصاصی زبان انگلیسی 1390
21 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Two frogs 13 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
21 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
reach for the moon | reach for the stars
Meaning: If you reach for the moon, or reach for the stars, you are aiming to achieve something great, or do something very challenging
For example: His father always wanted Sina to reach for the stars, but Sina just wanted to play with her pets and run around in the woods
1 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم انُا انزلنه فی لیلة القدرِ وَما ادرئک ما لیلةُ القدرِ لیلةُ القدرِ خیرٌ مِن الفِ شهرٍ تَنَزَّل المَلئکة و الرّوحُ فیها باذنِ رَبِّهِم مِن کُلِّ اَمرٍ سلمٌ هِیَ حَتّی مَطلَعِ الفَجر
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Surely We revealed it on the grand night
And what will make you comprehend what the grand night is
The grand night is better than a thousand months
The angles and Gibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair
Peace! it is till the break of the morning 1 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Just follow the Tracks
Once, 3 men lost their way and got stranded in the middle of the forest. They didn’t know where they were and hence they decide that they will stay in the forest for some days until they find their way. So the next morning, one man went in search of some food. After many hours, he came back with a deer over his shoulder. The other two men were surprised to find how he got a deer with no weapons over which the man replied, “I find tracks, I follow tracks, and I got a deer" . They both were slightly confused but decided to ignore and began to eat. A week later the second guy went in search of food and came back with an elk over his shoulder. The other two asked him how he managed to get the elk. He simply replied, "I find tracks, I follow tracks, and I got an elk". Now it was the turn of the third guy. He thought to himself “I'm going to get a better animal.” So the guy left but he did not return for a long time. Finally, after long hours of waiting, they saw him coming back. His clothes were torn with scrapes and bruises all over his body. He was bleeding. They asked him, “What happened?". He looked at them and replied, “I find tracks, I follow tracks, and I got hit by a train 1 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Q. What's a snake's favorite subject at school ? A: Hissssstory Do you understand the joke? if not, read here
Snakes 'hissss'. If you add a longer 'ssss' sound to history you hear the noise a snake makes
14 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
11 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
2 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
3 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Q: Why did the frog say 'meow'? A: He was learning a foreign language
Do you understand the joke? If not, read here Frogs say 'croak' or 'rubbit' when they make a noise. Cats say 'meow'. So, this frog that says 'meow' is speaking like a cat! A 'foreign language' for a frog 21 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Falling Asleep in Class
I fell asleep in class today as I was awfully bored I laid my head upon my desk and closed my eyes and snored I woke to find a piece of paper sticking to my face I’d slobbered on my textbooks and my hair was a disgrace My clothes were badly rumpled and my eyes were glazed and red My binder left a three-ring indentation in my head I slept through class, and probably I would have slept some more except my students woke me as they headed out the door by Kenn Nesbitt
20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
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